Panic Attacks

Hypnotherapy for Panic Attacks

Panic Disorder is a serious condition that around 1 out of every 5 people might experience.

Panic attacks are the hallmark of panic disorder

When we use hypnotherapy for anxiety disorders, a lot of anxiety that we see in our hypnotherapy clinic is accompanied by panic disorder.  This is marked by recurrent, spontaneous panic attacks. A panic attack is an intense period of fear or discomfort. During the attack, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • racing heartbeat
  • difficulty breathing, feeling as though you ‘can’t get enough air’
  • terror that is almost paralysing
  • dizziness, light-headedness or nausea
  • trembling, sweating, shaking
  • choking, chest pains
  • hot flushes, or sudden chills
  • tingling in fingers or toes (‘pins and needles’)
  • fear that you’re going to go crazy or are about to die

To be diagnosed as a panic attack, four or more symptoms should be present. Otherwise, the attack is described as “limited symptom attack”. Those who experience panic attacks usually describe them as occurring “out of the blue”.  We use hypnotherapy for anxiety to tackle many of the symptoms that sufferers experience.

You probably recognise this as the classic ‘fight or flight’ response that human beings experience when we are in a situation of danger. But during a panic attack, these symptoms seem to arise from out of nowhere. They occur in seemingly harmless situations – they can even happen while you are asleep.

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Types of Anxiety You Feel

Panic attacks are just one of the many facets of anxiety. There are generally subconscious beliefs supporting any feelings of panic and these have to be addressed in order for the panic to subside. Please visit our main anxiety page.
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