How Eating Pizza Can Help You Lose Weight

Discover how breaking your diet could be the one thing that helps you stick to it

According to a study published earlier this year in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, cheating on your diet may help you lose weight by sticking to your healthy eating plan in the long term and help you to lose weight.

The study participants were put on a diet that was limited to only 10,500 calories per week (that’s compared to the average American man’s weekly intake of 17,969 calories, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture).

However, half of the dieters were allowed to eat anything they wanted on Sundays…

help you lose weight

How Does it Help You Lose Weight

After two weeks, the two groups had both reduced their average BMI. However, there was no significant difference in the amount of weight the two groups had lost, But the study concluded that the group that had been allowed to eat normally on Sundays were happier and more motivated to continue working toward their weight loss goals.

The researchers concluded that the occasional indulgence makes dieting more sustainable.

Study author, Rita Coelho do Vale, Ph.D. said, “Self-restraint wears you out, and if you’re drained and grumpy, you’re more likely to give up. But if you can look forward to a ‘free day’, where you enjoy items that wouldn’t normally fall within your healthy eating plan, you’ll be more likely to stick to your diet the rest of the week.

The key is to plan ahead and designate a specific day for your rule-breaking, That’s because giving in to a spur-of-the-moment doughnut can make you feel like you blew your diet—and might as well abandon it completely.”

But don’t confuse “cheat day” with “binge day.” The study participants kept their portions of pizza, ice cream, and other treats within reason so they could stay within their weekly calorie totals.

At the Surrey Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy, our eating plan actually includes two days off a week where you eat “normally”. We strongly recommend that our weight control clients only use the eating plan 5 days a week. This allows them to socialise, let their hair down and enjoy themselves, whilst still losing weight.

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Our eating plan is incredibly simple to follow and has the added benefit that the vast majority of people have no cravings for food whilst doing it. The very fact that you don’t have cravings help you to lose weight easily.

Our eating plan is incredibly simple to follow and has the added benefit that the vast majority of people have no cravings for food whilst doing it. The very fact that you don’t have cravings help you to lose weight easily.

These so called “cheat days” serve a far more important function. By having two days of normal eating, and yes, drinking, it tells your mind that everything is ok and you have access to plenty of food. This stops the mind from going into starvation mode, which is bad news as it drops your metabolism by around 400 calories a day. Which means you have to reduce your food intake by a further 400 calories a day to lose the same amount of weight.

Quite simply all diets work if you stick to them. The most successful eating plans are one that are simple and therefore easy to follow. Further, the more satisfied you are on you diet the less likely you are to lose heart and give up.

While nutrition and portion size are important if you want to lose weight, it’s how you view food and how it makes you feel that are far stronger triggers. At The Surrey Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy aim to move your focus away from food and change the relationship you have with food to help you to create the longterm change you want to achieve.

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