Suffering from anger

Remove anger

As human beings, we go through a range of emotions each day, and in the main, we are able to keep them in check. However, for many people, controlling their anger can be quite difficult, causing great difficulties in their life for themselves and the people close to them.

Uncontrolled temper can be related to stress, anxious feelings and depression, either as a symptom or underlying cause, but each one is treatable. With rage comes a rise in blood pressure, heart rate and adrenalin output.

In the end, relationships with close friends, loved ones and work colleagues can be affected as these situations become progressively challenging to manage.

What emotion is behind anger?

Anger can be shown in numerous forms, from social problems and general aggravation to violent outbursts over minor situations, such as ‘road rage‘ when driving. Long-term unresolved rage can create a downward spiral triggering mental health problems including depressive disorders, as well as medical problems such as high blood pressure.

Anger issues can have a number of causes and each person will probably have personal reasons behind the rage. Previous memories of hurt, grief or stress or difficult environments can bring about the onset of anger difficulties. All of these rage triggers are readily helped by using hypnotherapy.

Definition of anger

Anger is a complex emotion that is experienced by everyone at some point in their lives. It is a natural and normal emotional response to situations or events that are perceived as negative or threatening. Anger is characterised by feelings of irritation, frustration, resentment, and annoyance. It can range in intensity from mild irritation to explosive rage.

Anger can be triggered by a wide variety of situations and events, including conflicts with others, feeling disrespected, injustice, or experiencing frustration or disappointment. Physical changes, such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and muscle tension often accompany it.

While anger is a normal human emotion, it can become problematic when it is not managed effectively. Uncontrolled or excessive anger can lead to negative consequences, such as strained relationships, aggression, and physical and mental health problems.

Effective anger management involves identifying the triggers that lead to anger, learning to recognise the signs of escalating anger, and developing more rational responses to it. This might involve techniques where we work to help you create different responses to your trigger situations or feel more relaxed and less stressed in general day-to-day living. It might also help to release any guilt or negative thoughts about yourself and the external factors that surround you.

Anger is a natural and normal emotion that is experienced by everyone. However, when it is not managed effectively, it can lead to negative consequences. Learning to manage anger in a healthy and effective way can lead to improved relationships, better mental and physical health, and a more positive outlook on life.

Hypnotherapy to manage anger

What are the 3 types of anger?

Anger is a complex emotion that can manifest in different ways depending on the individual and the situation. However, most experts agree that there are three main types of anger: passive, aggressive, and assertive anger.

  1. Passive Anger: Passive anger is often characterized by a lack of open expression of anger, but can still have a negative impact on an individual’s well-being. This type of anger is often associated with feelings of resentment, bitterness, and withdrawal. Passive anger can be expressed through behaviours such as sulking, giving someone the silent treatment, or being sarcastic. Passive anger can also lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, back pain, or digestive problems.
  2. Aggressive Anger: Aggressive anger is expressed through hostile and sometimes violent behaviour. This type of anger can be both physical and verbal and is often aimed at another person or object. Examples of aggressive behaviour include yelling, throwing things, physical violence, and threatening behaviour. Aggressive anger can have serious consequences, including legal problems, strained relationships, and bodily injury.
  3. Assertive Anger: Assertive anger is a healthy way of expressing anger, which involves standing up for oneself without being aggressive or passive. This type of anger is characterized by clear communication of feelings, without attacking the other person. Assertive anger involves being honest, direct, and respectful in expressing one’s anger. It also involves listening to the other person’s perspective and working to find a mutually acceptable solution.

Understanding the different types of anger can help individuals manage their emotions more effectively. Passive anger can be addressed through open communication and finding healthy outlets for expressing emotions. Aggressive anger can be helped with hypnotherapy to address the underlying causes. Assertive anger can be developed through practice and learning effective communication skills. Recognising the type of anger you are experiencing can be useful so you can develop healthy coping strategies, so you can better manage your emotions and improve your overall well-being.

How do I stop anger with hypnotherapy?

A hypnotherapeutic approach would concentrate on finding and eliminating any underlying beliefs that are inducing the anger and would then assist the subconscious to build new thought processes and patterns of behaviour.

Additionally, the process of hypnotherapy is naturally relaxing, which can help to reduce adrenaline levels, allowing the customer to cope better with previously stressful scenarios.

How to control your anger with hypnotherapy?

By helping the client to change their reaction to the old trigger scenarios, they are less inclined to be consumed by the old feelings of anger. This helps the person feel more in control, which in turn assists them to feel at ease quicker than before.

By eliminating the underlying cause and then coping with the symptoms of anger the hypnotherapist will help the person to make rapid and substantial difference to all their social and workplace scenarios.

Paul Howard, an experienced hypnotherapist, who works at The Surrey Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy explained, “When someone is angry often and without real cause it can have a profound effect on the close family and often generate feelings of fear and insecurity in children that can live with them for a lifetime.”

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