Stress reduction – running away is not the answer

A research project from the University Of Canterbury in New Zealand has established that people who are struggling with stress reduction are better off dealing with the problem, rather than putting it off. Depression, anxiety, illness, financial worries and other psychological health issues, all play their part in contributing to our stress levels. In many …

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The easiest way to lose weight is to stand up

This has to be just about the easiest way to lose weight that we have ever seen, but it actually makes a lot of sense and it helps you to stay healthy and live longer as well. Sitting down reading a book, at your desk working, watching TV or doing anything that involves sitting for …

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Advanced hypnotherapy training

advanced hypnotherapy training

As March or September approaches we start to get enquiries about our training courses. We are often asked if we teach advanced hypnotherapy training. In an effort to answer that, I would like to tell you what we do and further down I will tackle that question. How our hypnotherapy training is different At the …

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Lack of sleep can cause worriers to develop anxiety

New research, published in the June 26 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, shows that a lack of sleep ramps up activity in the part of the brain responsible for the regulation of emotions. The study discovered that natural worriers seem most vulnerable to the negative effect of sleep loss. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging …

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Lose weight with hypnotherapy as being fat is now a disease

At the annual meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) last week they voted to classify obesity as a disease. Even though a committee of their own experts thought it should not be classified as a disease, the association’s delegates still voted to support the change. If the UK did the same, over 20 million …

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